Idea Tracker - Version 2
Idea Tracker offers an easy, customizable and effective method to organize, sort, filter, and print your ideas, thoughts and/or notes.
Ready to run immediately after installing or customizable to allow the user to decide how to display their ideas. It allows the organization of ideas (with up to two levels of categorization) and offers the choice of fields in which to save data.
Thanks to customizable databases, the user is free to track ideas in many different ways. Ideas can be kept in one database or broken into logical groupings, such as notes on a single project.
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- All ideas in one place
- Better organization
- Quicker-to-find existing ideas
- Adaptable to suit your needs
- Easy to use
- Fully customizable layout
- New - Configuration Wizard
- Customizable use of up to 2 levels of categorization, or optionally turn off categories altogether.
- Optional user-defined fields
- Mini word processor for editing and formatting of ideas
- Full rich-text capability
- Support for embedding of images
- New - Live Spell checking of ideas
- Multi-database support
- New - Database backup
- New - Compact and repair of database
- Ability to export data in various formats
- New - Ability to import data
- Customizable printing layout
- Optional linking to external documents
- Customizable filtering
- Ability to save and restore commonly used filters
- Customizable sorting
- New - Sorting on multi-columns
- New - Ability to group by any column
System Requirements
- Operating System: Win 95, 98, ME, 2000, NT 4.0, or XP
- Hard drive Space: 5 Megs
- (MDAC & Jet: if not installed, requires an extra 15 Megs)
- Processor: Pentium II 300 or greater
- Database Drivers: Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) and MS Jet (installed with program, though already present in newer operating systems.)
- Printer: Optional
Screen shots
For larger view click image
Main Screen
Edit Screen
Options Screen
Print Preview Screen
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