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  • Use a large banner

    To use this banner, either copy the HTML code below and add it to your page

    HTML code
    <A HREF="">
    <IMG SRC="" ALT="Intellectus Enterprises - Software for writers" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="60" WIDTH="468"></A>

    or right click the banner and save-as, then copy the image to your web site and add the following code to your web page.

    HTML code
    <A HREF="">
    <IMG SRC="banner.gif" ALT="Intellectus Enterprises - Software for writers" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="60" WIDTH="468"></A>

  • Use a small banner

    To use this banner, either copy the HTML code below and add it to your page

    HTML code
    <A HREF="">
    <IMG SRC="" ALT="Intellectus Enterprises - Software for writers" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="110" WIDTH="110"></A>

    or right click the banner and save-as, then copy the image to your web site and add the following code to your web page.

    HTML code
    <A HREF="">
    <IMG SRC="sm_banner.gif" ALT="Intellectus Enterprises - Software for writers" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="110" WIDTH="110"></A>

  • Use a text link.

    You can add a text link such as the one below.

    HTML code
    <A HREF="">
    Intellectus Enterprises</A> - Affordable software for writers featuring Idea Tracker

Copyright © 2002-2011 by Intellectus Enterprises. All rights reserved.

Last update: April 16, 2011